Ideally beds area able to be cared for by one person, although others may help at times to speed things up. 12m2 or 14square yards turns out to be a good size for each bed. The width that can be comfortably worked is 75cm, or 30". This also happens to be the size of many of the implements available for market gardeners. A 12m2 bed with a width of 75cm equates to a length of 16m, or 50 feet.
One person can turnover a bed of this size in a half day. Turning over may be slightly different for everyone but its typically:
- remove old crop
- cultivate in some fashion
- add amendments
- prepare seed bed
It is then possible to reseed/transplant into it in the next half day.
- sow using seeder or transplant using transplanter
- water in
- cover
- clean and replace tools
NOTE: Without seeder and transplanter it may take longer than a half day.
Furthermore this size of bed can be easily weeded in one hour
Propagation house
A propagation house needs to be of sufficient size to accommodate the sown seedlings. Spring is typically the time when the number of seedlings is at its highest. The expected number of seedlings can be required and calculate
There are three type of propagation houses
Glass house
Plastic or polycarbonate greenhouse
Tunnel house
estimate size and then double it
Area for sowing
shade houses do not make too dark
- 20% shade
- shelving
Soaker hose upside and downside Overhead In ground
different trellising techniques and identify the best method for each type of crop
- easily weed in an hour.
- sow in a day
- turnaround in a half a day
Making seed boxes
Use only heat treated (HT) or untreated pallets. Cut them into lengths of 40cm for the sides and bottoms, and 30cm for the ends Use 20mm galvanised flat head nails, 2 per side and end.
Very useful to learn a few simple knots from the outset
To make a secure loop in a rope - quick and easy to tie with one hand, and easy to undo
Clove hitch
Tie a rope to a pole - very quick e.g. tomato stakes
Reef knot
Join ropes of equal size Hard to undo if under load
Zeppelin knot
Join ropes of equal size and under load
Sheet bend
Join ropes of unequal thickness Double sheet bend if there is a huge difference, or ropes are of different material